The MOCK UN was held on February 13th for Grades 8 and 9.
Formal debate: How to solve the water crisis faced by some developing nations?
Discussion topics:
Are the nuclear tests and pollution caused by industrialised nations causing shifts in monsoons and global warming which are adversely affecting climate and rainfall in the affected countries?
Should the developed countries help in financing the water desalination plants and other sources of water supply in developing countries?
The participants were:
Chair- Secretary General: Amaan
Moderator: Sai Srinitya
Members of Dais: Mira and Sanjana
All delegates spoke on the above topics relating topic to their own country.
Indian Delegate: Abhijit Chowdhury
Ethiopian Delegate: Muthu Anand
Singaporean Delegate: Swasthi R.Shankar
UAE Delegate: Aruna
US Delegate: Ashrita
Russian Delegate: Aditya Ramlal
British Delegate: Hitesh
French Delegate: Bhaibab Patra
Japanese Delegate: Pranav Srinivas
Rest of the class : Delegates from other nations.